
Kabul – Bom Blast (Again)

What? A bomb blast? Come on, it's just a bomb blast. Let's continue with the party and plenty of food here.

What? A bomb blast? Come on, it’s just a bomb blast. Let’s continue with the party and plenty of food here.

It was like a morning call. A big blast even rocked me from my sleep. I opened my eyes, thought a while, “it might be a bomb blast”, and continued sleeping.

Later I just found out that it was a suicide bomb. The location is nearby the airport, about 4 km from my place. But as the sound was very loud, this should be a big bomb, a car bomb.

The attacker targeted a NATO-led ISAF military airport, just next to the main military airport. But the target seemed to be very miraculous, as always, as the attacker only killed two Afghan soldiers and injured some others.

Suicide attacks have been quite rampant in Kabul in last three months, since the big blast which killed 35 Afghan police cadets and other minor blasts targeted to ISAF soldiers. Calculation on casualties shows that most of the attacks kill civilians or locals rather than foreign ‘enemies’.

As it becomes routine, the morning attack didn’t change so much for the people mood. The ladies in our embassy were busier on cooking food for lunch and discussion on the morning blast didn’t last more than two minutes forty seconds. They were actually still overwhelmed by yesterday interview by the Al Jazeera to Mr. Heru Wicaksono (whose name are now publicized by the embassy), the high-rank Indonesian diplomat who went as mediator and witness of negotiation between Taliban and South Korea on hostage crisis. The scene of a cow bearing a baby cow yesterday they saw accidentally in a local restaurant during lunch time was much more interesting and time-consuming topic of gossip rather than the bomb.

And as the embassy ladies, I am also too much used to these Kabul bomb blasts, and dangerously infected by inert mind, “oh, it’s just a bomb blast.”

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