
Tashkent – A Call from Indonesia

An unexpected phone call

An unexpected phone call

This morning, my mother sent me an SMS. It says, “Papa wants you to go home for the Chinese new year, there is something to talk about.” I was so surprised. I am unable to call them back as international call is out of my limited balance. I sent them an SMS back but there was no reply.

I ask help of my friend in Jakarta to call my family in Java. My friend says that my father was healthy, but he wants to gather in the New Year’s Eve. It has been 4 years already I missed the New Year’s Eve with my family. My father is sick, he gets a heart attack 2 years ago, and I always worry about him day and night during my travel. He always says that he is healthy and fine. But I know he is a strong man and dislike people to sympathize him. Never my father asks from me something, but now, he really begs me to go home. This is a sudden call from Indonesia. It was so sudden that I am still shocked.

How about the traveling plan made up recently? I have obtained the Iranian visa, and now in the process of application of Turkmen visa. The original plan is to go to Iran through Turkmenistan, then go back to Afghanistan to do a job there. But now, I can’t describe how I missed my father very much. I think I will give up my idea. Yes, the journey stops here (for a temporarily time, hopefully).

A ticket from Tashkent to Kuala Lumpur cost 577 Dollars, then I will go to Surabaya with a budget airline. With a valid Iran visa I still wish to return back to Iran, transit through Turkmenistan and re-visit Uzbekistan before heading to Afghanistan. That way, hopefully the journey still can be continued.

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12 Comments on Tashkent – A Call from Indonesia

  1. Never give up gus…but if you back to Indonesia, to Lumajang, i wish i will have a chance to meet you bro..

  2. Moga2 bener2 nggak ada apa2 mas 😀
    Selamat tahun baru ya!
    Semoga sempet mampir Bali… 🙂

  3. Saya doakan semoga semuanya baik-baik saja, Gus.

    The last time I heard this sort of news, they were going to get their son married to a sweet baby-doll back home. Who knows maybe that’s your case?? 8))

  4. Moga2 semuanya sehat2 ya, Bos. You have made the wisest decision, masih ada hal2 yg ternyata lebih penting daripada impian kita sekalipun.

  5. Gus, welcome home.. and.. just think positive.., ok?

  6. Semoga baik2 aja semuanya ya Gus…. And welcome back home. I wish I have a chance to meet you 🙂

  7. welcome home bro, I dont know u personally, but i always read your blog (knew it from indobackpackers), and i admired ur journey. Moga bisa ngobrol dan ketemu suatu hari nanti…

  8. mas agus, welcome back!

  9. it’s a sign from God that u have to spend more time with ur family and not only bussy with all those jobs.. =) besides, it would be so nice if u’re home after a very long journey =D

  10. Lho… dadi kowe wis nang lumajang sak iki? :-O smoga papa mu baik2x aja ya… salam buat mario.

  11. Halo,yang membaca dan mengenal blogmu masih susah sedikit, tapi saya akan membaca dengan usaha.

  12. aduh… napa tuh….?
    hehehe…mudah2an berita baek.
    salam kenal……………….

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